Essential bibliography for healing gardens

AA.VV. 2010. Frutti dimenticati e biodiversità recuperata. Quaderni Natura e Biodiversità, ISPRA

 AA.VV. 2011. The psychological and social needs of patients. Standing up for doctors, BMA Science & Education

Abkar M., Kamal M.M.S, Maripan M., Maulan S., Sheybani M. 2010. The role of urban green Spaces in mood change, Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 4(10), 5352-5361

Avallone F., Paplomatas A. 2005. Salute organizzativa, psicologia del benessere nei contesti lavorativi, Raffaello Cortina Editore, Milano

Balling J. D., Falk J. H. 1982. Development of visual preference for natural environments, Environments and Behavior, vol.14, nr.1, p 5-28

Baroni M. R. 2008. Psicologia ambientale, Il Mulino, Bologna Black S. Environmental makeover: transforming a 1950’s hospital with the health gardens planning concept, Design & Health, International Academy for Design and Health

Bonnes M., Secchiaroli G. 1998. Psicologia ambientale, Carocci Editore, Roma

Borghi C. 2012. Il giardino che cura. Il contatto con la natura per ritrovare la salute e migliorare la qualità della vita, Giunti Editore, Firenze

Bottaccioli F. 2011. Psiconeuroendocrinoimmunologia. I fondamenti scientifici delle relazioni mente-corpo. Le basi razionali della medicina integrata, Red Edizioni, Milano

Braibanti P., Zunino A. 2010. Lo sguardo di Igea. Soggetti, contesti e azioni di psicologia della salute, Franco Angeli, Milano4

Carone A.R., Amore S.D., Albanese L., Craig F., Scagliusi P., D’Amore M. 2007. Ansia e depressione nelle ospedalizzazioni, Reumatismo, 2007, 59(4), 304-315

Caspari S.R., Aesthetics: a source of health, Papers of Design & Health, International Academy for Design and Health Cattabiani A. 2007. Florario, miti, leggende, e simboli di fiori e piante, Oscar Saggi Mondadori, Milano

Chang C.Y., Chen P.K., Hammitt W.E., Machnik L. 2007. Psychophysiological responses and restorative values of wilderness envinronments, USDA Forest Service Proceedings

Cintra M. 2001. Art in health care buildings: is any art good art?, in: Dilani A. Design and Health. The Therapeutic Benefits of Design, Elanders Swedish Press AB, Stockholm, 303-311.

Cooper Marcus C. Gardens and health, Papers of Design & Health, International Academy for Design and Health

Cooper Marcus C., Barnes M. 1999. Healing gardens. Therapeutic benefits and design recommendations, John Wiley & Sons, Canada

Cooper Marcus C., Francis C. 1998. People places. Design guidelines for urban open space, John Wiley & Sons, New York

Corazon S.S., Stigsdotter U., Jensen A.G.C., Nilsson K. 2010. Development of the nature-based therapy concept for patients with stress-related illness at the Danish healing forest garden Nacadia, Journal of Therapeutic Horticulture, nr.20

Forbes I. Using landscapes as wellness factor for patient therapy, Papers of Design & Health, International Academy for Design and Health

Galindo P., Hidalgo C. 2005. Aesthetic preferences and the attribution of meaning: environmental categorization processes in the evaluation of urban scenes, International Journal of Psychology, 40(1)

Ghersi A. (a cura di) 2007. Paesaggi terapeutici. Come conservare la diversità per il “ben-essere” dell’uomo, Alinea Editrice, Firenze

Glass T.A., Matchar D.B., Belyea M., Feussner J.R. 1993. Impact of social support on outcome in first stroke, Stroke. Journal of the American Hearth Association, vol 24, nr.1

Grahn P., Stigsdotter U.K. 2003. Landscape planning and stress, Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 2, 001-018

Grahn P., Stigsdotter U.K., Berggren-Barring A.M. 2005. Eight experienced qualities in urban open spaces, AA.VV. Green structure and urban planning. Final report, Belgio

Grahn P., Stigsdotter U.K., Berggren-Barring A.M. 2005. A planning model for designing sustainable and healthy cities. The importance of people’s need of recreational environments in an urban context

Grahn P., Stigsdotter U.K. 2010. The relation between perceived sensory dimensions of urban green space and stress restoration, Landscape and Urban Planning, nr.94, p.264-275

Galindo P., Hidalgo C. 2005. Aesthetic preferences and the attribution of meaning: environmental categorization processes in the evaluation of urban scenes, International Journal of Psychology, 40(1), 19-26

Hartig T., Korpela K., Evans G.W., Garling T. 1997. A measure of restorative quality in environments, Scandinavian Housing & Planning Research, 14, 175-194

Hartig T., Kaiser F.G., Bowler P.A. 1997. Further development of a measure of perceived environmental restorativeness, Working paper nr.5, Institute for Housing Research, Uppsala Universitet

Hartig T., Cooper Marcus C. 2006. Healing gardens – places for nature in health care, Medicine and Creativity, vol.368

Hartig T., Evans G.W., Jamner L.D., Davis D.S., Garling T. 2003. Tracking restoration in natural and urban field settings, Journal of Environmental Psychology, nr.23

Helgeson V.S., Cohen S. 1996. Social support and adjustment to cancer: reconciling descriptive, correlational and intervention research, Department of Psychology, nr. 265

Herzog T.R., Maguire C.P., Nebel M.B. 2003. Assessing the restorative components of environments, Journal of Environmental Psychology, nr.23

Hidalgo C., Berto R., Galindo P., Getrevi A. 2006. Identifying attractive and unattractive urban places: categories, restorativeness and aesthetic attributes, Madio Ambiente y Comportamiento Humano, 7(2), 115-133

Impelluso L. 2004. La natura e i suoi simboli, I Dizionari dell’Arte, Electa, Milano Jackmauh E. 2005. Daylight, view and good circulation in hospital design, Design & Health

Kaplan R. 1985. The analysis of perception via preference: a strategy for studying how the environmetis experiences, Landscape Planning, nr.12, 161-176

Kaplan S. 1979. Perception and landscape. Conceptions and misconceptions, Proceedings of our national landscape conference, USDA Forest Service General Technical Report

Kaplan S. 1987. Aesthetics, affects, and cognition. Environmental preference from an evolutionary perspective, Environment and Behavior, vol.19, nr.1, 3-32

Kaplan S. 1996. The restorative benefits of nature: toward an integrative framework, Journal of Environmental Psychology, nr.15, 169-182

Korpela K., Hartig T. 1996. Restorative qualities of favorite places, Journal of Environmental Psychology, nr.16 Ke-Tsung Han. 2003. A reliable and valid self-rating measure of the restorative quality of natural environments, Landscape and Urban Planning, 64, 209-232

Laumann K., Garling T., Stormark K.M. 2001. Rating scale measures of restorative components of environments, Journal of Environmental Psychology, nr.21 Lohr V.I. 2007. Benefits of nature: what we are learning about why people respond to nature, Journal of Physiological Anthropology, nr.26, 83-85

Maslach C., Schaufeli W.B., Leiter M.P. 2001. Job burnout, Annual Review of Psychology, vol.52

Maslow A.H. 1987. Motivation and personality, Harper & Row, Publishers Inc., New York

McCaffrey R. 2007. The effect of healing gardens and art therapy on older adults with mild to moderate depression, Holistic Nursing Practice: volume 21(2), p 79-84

Neducin D., Krkljes M., Kurtovic-Folic N. 2010. Hospital outdoor spaces – therapeutic benefits and design considerations, Facta Universitatis, Architecture and Civil Engineering, vol.8, nr.3

Neumann T. 1995. Creating a healing healthcare environment, Journal of Health Design. Vol.VII, 95-102

Nordh H., Grahn P., Wahrborg P. 2009. Meaningful activities in the forest in the forest, a way back from exhaustion and long-term sick leave, Urban Forestry and Urban Greening, 8(3), 207-219

Ottosson, J., Grahn P. 2008. The role of natural settings in crisis rehabilitation: how does the level of crisis influence the response to experiences of nature with regard to measures of rehabilitation?, Landscape Research, vol.33, nr.1

Pandakovic D., Dal Sasso A. 2009. Saper vedere il paesaggio, CittàStudi Edizioni, Novara Parsons R. 1991. The potential influences of environmental perceptionon human health, Journal of Environmental Psychology, nr.11

Peron F., Purcell A.T., Staats H., Falchero S., Lamb R.J. 1998. Models of preference for outdoor scenes. Some experimental evidence, Environment and Behavior, vol.30, nr.3, 282-305

Petros A.K., Georgi J.N. 2011. Landscape preference evaluation for hospital environmental design, Journal of Environmental Protection, nr.2

Purcell A.T., Lamb R.J., Mainardi Peron E., Falchero S. 1994. Preference or preferences for landscape?, Journal of Environmental Psychology, 14, 195-209

Purcell T., Peron E., Berto R. 2001. Why do preferences differ between scene types?, Environment and Behavior, 93-106

Rabkin J.G., Struening E.L. 1976. Life events, stress and illness, Science, vol.194, p.1013-1020

Rappe E., Kivela S.L. 2005. Effects of garden visits on long-term care residents as related to depression, Horttecnology, nr.15

Scopelliti M., Giuliani M.V. 2004. Choosing restorative environmets across the lifespan: place experience, Journal of Environmental Psychology, 24, 423-437

Sexton J. B., Thomas E. J., Helmreich R. L. 2000. Error, stress, and teamwork in medicine and aviation: cross sectional surveys, British Medical Journal, 320(7237): 745–749

Skarback E. 2007. Landscape planning to promote well – being: studies and examples from Sweden, Environmental Practice, vol.9, nr.3

Skarback E. 2007. Planning for healthful landscape values, in Mander U., Wiggering H., Helming K. Multifunctional Land Use: meeting future demands for landscape goods and services, Springeer Verlag, Berlin

Smith J. 2007. Health and nature: the influence of nature on design of the environment of care, The Center for Health Design, Columbus

Sternberg E. M. 2010. Healing spaces, the science of place and well-being, The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, Cambridge

Stigsdotter U. 2005. Urban green spaces: promoting health through city planning, Conference proceedings. Inspiring Global Environmental Standards and Ethical Practices. The National Association of Environmental Professionals’, NAEP, 30th Annual Conference, 16-19, Alexandria, Virginia USA. I

Stigsdotter U. 2005. Landscape architecture and health, Tesi di dottorato alla Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Alnarp

Stigsdotter U., Grahn P. 2002. What makes a garden a healing garden?, American Horticultural Therapy Association, nr.13, 60-69

Stigsdotter U., Grahn P. 2003. Experiencing a garden: a healing garden for people suffering from burnout diseases, Journal of Therapeutic Horticulture, nr.14

Stigsdotter U., Grahn P. 2011. Stressed individuals’ preferences for activities and environmental characteristics in green spaces, Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 10, 295-304

Taylor, J.G., Zube, E.H., & Sell, J.L. 1987. Landscape assessment and perception research methods. In Bechtel R.B., Marans R.W., & Michelson W. 1987. Methods in environmental and behavioral research (pp. 361-393). New York, NY: Van Nostrand Reinhold.

Tempesta T., Thiene M. 2006. Percezione e valore del paesaggio, FrancoAngeli, Milano; p. 9-68

Tenngart Ivarsson C., Hagerhall C.M. 2008. The perceived restorativeness of gardens. Assessing the restorativeness of a mixed built and natural scene type, Urban Forestry and Urban Greening vol.7

Uchino B.N., Cacioppo J.T., Kiecolt-Glaser J.K. 1996. The relationship between social support and physiological processes: a review with emphasis on underlying mechanisms and implications for health, Psychological Bulletin, vo.119, nr.3

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Ulrich R.S. 1997. A theory of supportive design for healthcare facilities, Journal of Healthcare Design, vol.IX, 3-8

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van den Berg A., Koole S.L., van der Wulp N.Y. 2003. Environmental preference and restoration: (How) are they related?, Journal of Environmental Psychology, 23, 135-146

van den Berg A., Hartig T., Staats H. 2007. Preference for nature in urbanized societies: stress, restoration and the pursuit of sustainability, Journal of Social Issues, vol.63, nr. 1

Vessel E. A., Biederman I., Cohen M.S., 2003, How opiate activity may determine spontantaneous visual selection, Journal of Vision, vol.3, nr.9

Ward Thompson C., Aspinall P., Bell S. 2010. Innovative approaches to researching landscape and health, Routledge, London, New York

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